You stroll in, breathe in that addicting scent of books, chat with the owner for a book rec (while petting the bookstore goldendoodle), grab a vanilla latte from the small cafe and snuggle down into your favorite wide chair to start the first few chapters of your new book.
And it probably doesn’t give you cozy feelings like the snuggly visual I just gave you up top.
I don't need to convince you of that!
And then you turn into a monster wanting to pull all of your hair out for the entire week before April 15th because doing 12 months worth of bookkeeping is just…
… extremely stressful and anxiety-inducing.
But you just can’t seem to justify paying $600/month for the pros to knock it out for you month-over-month.
Finally get setup in an accounting software
Yeah this is one of those book clubs where you’re welcome to come even if you haven’t read the book! If you’ve never touched your bookkeeping, we have discounted setup services including linking your bank accounts, setting up your categories and even zipping over a Loom video to show you exactly how to use your new shiny software. (It’s like Cliff Notes but better.)
Learn how to make your bookkeeping a Click Party
Our students have shaved off so much time from their monthly (or weekly) bookkeeping routines. When you finally get your bookkeeping down, it really can turn into a quick handful of clicks in a matter of minutes and then you’re ready to analyze your data (which we’ll also teach you how to do).
Actually stick with it month over month
Stop pushing bookkeeping down to the bottom of your to-do list. We’re like the personal trainer who’s standing in the gym waiting for you to show up so you can make that progress you say you’re wanting. It’s the accountability you’ve been needing!
or have a mocktail with me!
Finally get setup in an accounting software
Yeah, this is one of those book clubs where you’re welcome to come even if you haven’t read the book! If you’ve never touched your bookkeeping, we’ve got you. Our discounted Xero setup services include linking your bank accounts, setting up categories, and even a personalized Loom video to walk you through your shiny new software. (Think Cliff Notes, but better.)
Learn how to make your bookkeeping a Click Party
Our students have shaved off so much time from their monthly (or weekly) bookkeeping routines, thanks to Xero’s intuitive, user-friendly setup. Once you’ve got your books dialed in, bookkeeping really can turn into a quick handful of clicks in a matter of minutes—especially with Xero’s automated rules, bank feeds, and reports that actually make sense.
Actually stick with it month over month
Stop pushing bookkeeping to the bottom of your to-do list. We’re like the personal trainer standing in the gym, waiting for you to show up so you can finally make the financial progress you’ve been saying you want. With our support, using Xero will become second nature!
or have a mocktail with me!
A done-with-you monthly bookkeeping membership for the online business owner who wants to learn how to do their business bookkeeping and actually get it done each month. Throw in access to me (Madison, a financial expert with 10+ years in the accounting world) and my team of professional bookkeepers for questions, and it’s the monthly book club meeting you’ll never make up excuses to miss!
Let’s give you a peek into what our book club has done for other students. They’ve put in the work, learned how to systemize their bookkeeping with Xero and I’ve watched them confidently do their own books in a matter of minutes.
⇾ A discounted rate for 1:1 bookkeeping services in Xero (we’ll help you get caught up on your books if you need!)
⇾ Bookkeeping SOS sessions: Trouble with your bookkeeping? Ask us a question and you’ll get a Loom video back so you can get over the hump. No more guessing games - woohoo!
Don’t forget about those cozy bonuses, too!
I am a nerd who loves bookkeeping as much as I love a good midday dance party! I fully believe that it's equally as important to be professional with you as it is to laugh with you.
If you're here, you're looking for someone who is a fresh change from the stuffy bookkeeper you've always worked with. That's me!
We're going to have fun together (yes, FUN!) learning how to “keep your books” and how to understand the numbers as they relate to your business's financial health.
I promise to make you feel seen, heard, and understood. This is the coolest “book club” you've ever gotten to be a part of!
Let’s get you monthly learning, resources, and support that make you feel confident with your cash — and the future of your business