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Bookkeeping Tips

How Bookkeeping Helped Stephanie Kase Work in Her Zone of Genius (And Grow Her Biz!)

Ever feel too bogged down with backend work to focus on the things that light you up? You aren’t alone, friend. It’s something SO MANY business owners feel.  Because there’s so much admin work to catch up on — payroll, taxes, responding to emails, and literally all the things in between — it may start to feel […]


3 Methods to Help You Track Expenses and Profit for Better Business Decisions

You know the feeling…you’ve got a big expense to pay and you fear you’ll have to dip into your business savings account for it. Or things may be tight on the homefront, and you need to take out a larger owner’s draw than usual.  Or maybe you want to rip your hair out because you […]

Bookkeeping Tips

4 Xero Features That Make Bookkeeping So Much Easier

When it comes to keeping your books up to date, it’s all about choosing the best tools. And for most of us, that means accounting software. So…which one should you choose? It’s no secret that I love Xero. It’s my favorite program to recommend to clients — and it’s what my team and I use […]


How to Fix the 5 Most Common Cash Flow Problems in Your Online Business

*This blog contains affiliate links. While we do earn a small commission if you use our link, the price doesn’t change for you. Also, we only recommend products and services we love!* Picture this… You’re living paycheck to paycheck and constantly wondering where your next client is going to come from. You’re not making a […]

Bookkeeping Tips

How Ashlyn Writes Beat the Bookkeeping Drama

Ever wondered what really goes down when you work with a bookkeeper? Or what kind of transformation you can expect from having a little accounting help on your side? Whether you’re a business coach, a course creator, a graphic designer, or a copywriter extraordinaire, a bookkeeper can 100% help you out! Thinking about hiring your […]


Independent Contractor vs. Employee: Which One is Right for Your Online Business?

So you’re ready to hire help, are ya? Well congratulations, my friend!! You’ve just taken a big step towards growing your business. But with new outsourced help comes new things to know about taxes. And while most people know what a contractor is and what an employee is, do YOU know what the IRS thinks […]

Bookkeeping Tips

Payroll Vs. Bookkeeping: Which One Do You Need for Your Online Business?

*This blog contains affiliate links. While we do earn a small commission if you use our link, the price doesn’t change for you. Also, we only recommend products and services we love!* When it comes to the financial side of running an online business, there are TONS of terms thrown around — CPA, accountant, bookkeeper, taxes, […]


Xero Vs. QuickBooks: Which One is Better for Online Business?

We live in the digital age — there are just so many tools out there now to help you run a business. Graphic design basics? Canva’s got you covered. Project management? Asana and ClickUp, baby! And you betcha there’s a million more programs where that came from.  And TBH? I’m not mad about it. Because […]

Bookkeeping Tips

LLC Vs. S-Corp: Which One is Right for Your Creative Business?

I’m an accounting and bookkeeping nerd. It’s no wonder I talk about LLCs vs. S-Corps so much. I find them so fascinating!!  But I also recognize that what’s interesting for me may not be interesting to you too — especially if you’re a creative entrepreneur. You’d rather spend your time actually doing the things, whether […]