Paid maternity leave spreadsheet setup in Google Sheets

What's Included


A video tutorial with how to customize for your needs recorded by our head bookkeeper (and mama two times over!), Madison


A beautiful formula for balancing the length of your leave, expenses, paying yourself, and how to save for extra expenses


How to account for what you’re expecting to earn over the coming months, and if applicable, while you’re on maternity leave


The Details

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Totally! We made sure this spreadsheet can adapt if you’re saving money elsewhere.

Can this spreadsheet also factor in how much we are setting aside from my partner’s paycheck to cover expenses?


Any big life event where you want to step away will work perfectly with our spreadsheet.

I’m not having a baby, but I’m planning a vacation/taking time for a surgery/just unplugging for a bit. Is this a good fit for me?

A good rule of thumb is knowing how much money you currently have saved, what your recurring expenses are, and your average total revenue/expenses each month.

What information do I need already?

Yes, of course! You’ll want to sync up with them for your latest numbers.

Can I use this if I have a bookkeeper?

Obviously, the more time you’ve got to make this plan a reality, the better! You want as much time as possible to increase your profit in your business & build up your savings. But you can do it as little as 2-3 months away from welcoming your baby.

How far out should I start planning?

It’s in Google Sheets, so you’ll need a free Gmail account to access your download. But you can convert it to Excel if that’s your jam. (We loveeeee Excel over here!)

What format is the spreadsheet in?

Right away. Once you purchase, everything is delivered right to your inbox.

How soon do I get access?

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If you’re doing your bookkeeping yourself... AND PUTTING IT OFF for months at a time


A done-with-you monthly bookkeeping membership for the online business owner who wants to learn how to do their business bookkeeping and actually get it done each month. 



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