Many of us have a personal household budget, but do you also have a budget for your business? We tend to forget that – just like with our luxury spending habits – our business spending habits should be tracked and approved to make sure that your business is optimized for profitability over time! It’s easy […]
Are you thinking about making a big investment purchase to help grow your online business? It’s always SO exciting to visualize the growth of your business on the other side of the investment, but how do we know if we can ~~really~~ afford to spend that much money for those big-ticket items? Here are a […]
This blog post is going to walk you through the pros and cons of choosing a spreadsheet or a software for your business bookkeeping. Bookkeeping is non-negotiable if you’re a business owner. But how do we actually do it? Should we use accounting software (that can feel big and scary) or should we fire up […]